ThinkAudit™ (what your core audiences think of the Brand)
Brand Foundation™ (the road map for the Brand)
Internal Communications Programmes for Brand buy-in
PR Strategy & Media Relations
Social & Integrated Marketing Strategies
Media Training
Crisis Communications
Writing & Content Creation
Influencer & Partnership Management
Executive Brand Management & Profile Building
Why You Need Us
You may find that ownership of your company Brand is relegated to your marketing department and their plans. However, since the Brand is quite simply what people think of it, every single thing your company says and does, from who you hire, who you partner with to what your office space looks like and how the phone is answered, should be done with relentless adherence to your Brand Foundation. Branding is not personal taste. This is why we write Brand with a capital ‘B’. Because it’s everything.
There are Rules & Tools for Branding, just like there are in your finance department. Instinct will teach you these so that your Branding questions are never a matter of taste again. Instinct will determine what your key audiences are really thinking of your Brand, compare this against what you want people to think, and work with you to capture the hearts and minds of your audiences, with simplicity and clarity at the core of what we deliver.
By understanding your Brand at its core, we then work with you to develop strategies for internal Brand adoption (after all, your internal team are the Brand’s most valuable influencers), and external Brand awareness whether this be a PR strategy, social strategy or integrated marketing approach.